Place Value Of 45 678

Place value of 45 678


45 678

Digit: 4

Place Value: Ten thousands

Value: 40 000

Digit: 5

Place Value: Thousands

Value: 5 000

Digit: 6

Place Value: Hundreds

Value: 600

Digit: 7

Place Value: Tens

Value: 70

Digit: 8

Place Value: Ones

Value: 8

To get the place value, start counting from the number in the farthest right going to the left. It starts from ones then goes to tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions and so on. To get the value, just multiply the digit to its place value. For example, the digit is 5 and the place value is ten thousands, so it is equal to 10 000. 5 x 10 000 = 50 000, so 50 000 is the value.



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