What Number Must Be Added To Both The Numerator And Denominator Of 3/5 To Make The Value Of The Resulting Fraction Equal To 5/6?

what number must be added to both the numerator and denominator of 3/5 to make the value of the resulting fraction equal to 5/6?


The number to be added to both numerator and denominator is 7.

Step-by-step explanation:

The number: x


(3+x)/(5+x) = 5/6

Cross multiply:

(3 + x)(6) = (5 + x)(5)

6x + 18 = 5x + 25

6x - 5x = 25 - 18

x = 7

The number to be added to both numerator and denominator is 7.


(3+7)/(5+7) = 5/6

10/12 = 5/6


5/6 = 5/6  (True)


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